Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The Assassin’s Creed saga is back, this time to travel to Ancient Greece. This is Assassin's Creed Odyssey, a game that offers a new visual tracking system that offers a broader perspective of the action and that will embark on an adventure that will lead us from the ground to glory while we let's change the fate of Greece.
Adventures in Ancient Greece
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
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The game presents the spectacular Greek landscapes with thick Mediterranean forests, volcanic islands and populous cities. You will explore a world at war between men but also between gods, considering that you will sometimes face mythological creatures.

On Odyssey, your decisions will have influence in the course of history because the game will have different ends depending on the decisions you make, including the dialogues. Show your skills in massive battles between Athens and Sparta, personalize your team and your boat and find your way between the naval battles of the Aegean Sea.

Obviously, you will not miss any of the elements that you had already enjoyed on this excellent saga of action and adventure developed by Ubisoft: memorable battles and a completely immersive frame to put the development of the story into context.
